The headline first, even though it buries the lede: ACE 2018, the 15th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, has invited former Breitbart News executive chairman and former Donald Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as a keynote speaker. ACE is a smaller, but long-running academic conference on, as it says on the tin, entertainment technology. If you ask: Why does a smaller academic conference on entertainment technology invite Bannon as a keynote speaker, you are not alone. The announcement has led the second keynote speaker, play researcher Peter Gray, to withdraw from the conference, and numerous researchers to publicly call for boycotting ACE under the #boycottACE hashtag.
All posts by Gamification Research Network
CFP: Curious Games’18
We are inviting submissions to the first international workshop on curiosity in games, co-located with the Foundations of Digital Games 2018 conference in Malmö, Sweden on August 7–10, 2018. Submissions are due May 31, 2018. Continue reading
CFP: Research Games Book
In recent years, games have increasingly received attention as a source of inspiration for areas outside of games and play itself. After a successful workshop at CHI 2016 we are preparing an edited book in the Springer Human-Computer Interaction Series explicitly aiming to reveal bridging concepts and presenting methods for introducing the application of game elements and game design principles to research in the field of HCI. Continue reading
CFP: CHI Play 2017
CHI Play is the international and interdisciplinary ACM SIGCHI conference for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games, and human-computer interaction (HCI) or ‘player-computer interaction’. The goal of CHI Play conference is to highlight and foster discussion on high quality research in games and HCI, as foundations for the future of digital play. To this end, the conference blends academic research papers, interactive demos, and industry case studies. This year’s CHI Play will be from October 15 to 17 in Amsterdam. Continue reading
CFP: Games as HCI Method Workshop @ CHI 2016
The Games as HCI Method Workshop at CHI 2016 in San Jose aims to experiment with using game design elements to improve HCI research, and to explore how such elements can become part of the different phases of design. Continue reading
CHI 2015 Workshop: Deadline Extended
Since the original deadline was cut very close to the end of the winter holidays, CHI decided to extend the allowed deadline for all workshop submissions. You can submit (or resubmit) your papers to the CHI 2015 Workshop “Gamifying Research” until January 19, 2015.