Do you have experience “gamifying” your classroom? Have you designed learning contexts, spaces, curricula, programs, institutions that incorporate elements, principles, and inspiration from game design? Then “The Gameful Classroom” is for you – a one-day workshop facilitated as part of the fourth annual GLS Educators Symposium (GLSES) on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at the University of Madison-Wisconsin’s Memorial Union.
The GLS Educators Symposium
The GLSES celebrates and deepens educators’ use of games in various educational settings; fosters collaboration among teachers, designers, researchers and others throughout the elementary to higher education continuum; sets an exciting tone for the annual Games+Learning+Society conference; and provides a forum for educators to network and participate in professional development.
Each year, the GLSES features presentations from noted digital media and games scholars, hands-on workshops, and panel discussions featuring diverse perspectives about how games, digital media, and technology enhance learning, culture, and education – this year including “The Gameful Classroom”.
The Gameful Classroom
Going beyond games purpose-built as a means to learn content, “The Gameful Classroom” wants to convene educators, researchers, and others who have experience transforming teaching and learning within classrooms and learning spaces into game-like experiences. The workshop wants to create a space where you can exchange your questions and stories, challenges and best practices with peers that share your experience – and tell researchers what questions you need answered. To make the workshop as productive as possible for you, the organizers will collect and distribute experiences “gamifying” learning among participants in advance, while the event will be facilitated in an open space fashion.
“The Gameful Classroom” invites approximately 20 classroom educators, across grade levels and content areas to partake. While the workshop is intended primarily for classroom educators, administrators, higher education faculty, and others with similar design experience are also encouraged to apply. The workshop is being organized by Sebastian Deterding, affiliated researcher/Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research at Hamburg University, and Remi Holden, GLSES Chair/University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Practical Notes
- Accepted participants will be required to register for GLSES at and are invited to participate in all GLSES activities outside the
workshop. - Accommodation will be organized through GLSES.
- Participants will be invited asked to participate in a research study on gameful classrooms. Additional information will be provided to participants in advance.
Important Dates
- Applications: due: March 15th, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: April 2nd, 2012
- Workshop: 8 AM to 5:30 PM, Tuesday, June 12, 2012. A detailed schedule will be provided in advance.
How to apply and contact details
- To apply, please fill out the application form here:
For further information, mail s.deterding /at/ hans-bredow-institut (dot) de or check the GLSES website at